The text you don't want

I'm at work on my first 16 hour shift of the weekend. I get a text from my sister. She says my boys got into a fight. My husband was at the store. Thankfully we all live together so they were not alone. Anyway fighting between my boys is very normal, although it doesn't get physical a lot of the time. This time, however, my oldest went to far and left marks on my younger ones neck.

Anger, harming others, and destruction is nothing new to us. Once upon a time my older one would try to attack any kid around over the age of 2 during a freak out. This was before we found out about his food allergies and CBD. I was positive he was autistic. He was tested after the diet changes and CBD. Which I researched helped autistic kids. The test came back he was not autistic.

I start to show him what emotions were and how I deal with them. Every emotion he had was shown as anger. He would get excited and happy then snap.  Loud noises to many people and he would snap. If people messed with his line of cars he would snap....

After we worked on what emotions were, what we could do to help those feelings, and what we could have done differently things calmed down. I could see him being triggered and try to talk him down. The allergy test and CBD allowed him that control he needed to be able to calm down. Before that forget it! He had no control. It was like he was possessed.

Now we are getting back into that no control time. He is not on CBD most days and eating food he is allergic to. His choice when he is not around us. With him being older I can try to pick his brain to see what is happening. He wants to live his own life and my rules to keep him and others safe are ruining his life....


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