First thing you need to do is sign up You are in business with aspiring like-minded people like yourself who want to make a difference and make money with integrity. Keep it simple, get started for FREE, get your FREE website and access to your FREE personalized back-office so you can manage, market, check your weekly commission run and check out the live training calls to meet and greet the rest of the team. Next figure out how to get income flowing. How to build your CTFO business fast Great tips here on getting leads and where to go to get traffic on your site. How to read lab results
Today I'm on a mission to research cooking with CBD. Making a magical blend of mom life, vegan life, and CBD. Why because this is me in a nutshell. I am vagen my family is part vegan. I'm a mom and wife and we all take CBD. So why not combined it all. Things I have learned so far: #1 most people cooking with CBD are not using CBD products they are using hemp oil made from the hemp seed. We will change this. #2 CBD will start to evaporate after being heated above 320 to 356 degrees. We will stick to using in foods after its cooled a bit or not cooked. Raw foods, drinks and frosting are main areas I will focus first. #3 light and air exposure can greatly effect the potency of the oil. It is best to consume the oil right away. This means you need to eat your magical goods right away. Looks like I have to eat all the frosting darn😏 #4 cbd can be placed in the fridge, but shouldn't be place in the freezer. Now there are mixed reviews about cbd in the freezer so to ...
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