
There I was rocking out to "pour some sugar on me" or whatever the songs name is and my phone starts ringing off the hook. I'm in traffic headed to work and by law can't answer it. At a red light, I look to see who it was and it's school. They call again. Still at the light I answer and put it on speaker. Right now making sure my kids are alive is more important than a ticket. 

The school is freaking out I need to come get my oldest now. I tell them I'm about 20 mins away and need to pull over to call my boss. So I pull over and my sister text she got the call too and is on her way to get him. Oh thank god!!! I text the behavior lady and tell her my sister is coming. 

I get back on the road. The school calls again. They need me to get him now!!! I tell them my sister is on her way. By the way they are freaking out I'm thinking he went psycho or something. All I know at this point is he wrote a dirty word on a wall in mud and is trying to leave. I had already told them a few weeks ago to call the cops if he leaves the property and he can sit with them until Monday when I'm off work.

I text my husband when I get to work and give him a heads up things might be crazy tonight. He leaves work to help my sister out. Thankfully my oldest is taking it easy on her because she is pregnant with twins. She finds out my oldest was trying to get a suspension. Which the behavior lady and I have known for a few weeks now. 

Then I wait for a call or email to tell me what is going on and what he did. I get it all they say is what I already know. He gets a week of suspension possibly more. We might have to have a behavior meeting as well before he can go back. He just manipulated them into giving him 2 weeks for his Thanksgiving break. The kids already had 1 week off.

I write back expressing how much I think this is BS that they just handed him what he wanted. I think a week is over reacting to something written in mud. That they were freaking out like he physically hurt someone and he didn't. In fact when he has gotten in fights he got in school suspension and sent home early. I also said a behavior meeting is just what we need because he just figured out a way without being physical to get out of school. I would like to know how they plan on stopping this in the future. 

I am not taking away from what he did. It was uncalled for, unacceptable, and will be punished. He will never know how ridiculous I think his suspension is. 


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