Small victory for mom

Yesterday after getting the kids to school I called the school to discuss them giving my kid with food allergies chart in his file school lunch. I don't have him signed up for it, he brings his own lunch, and they want to charge me $2 something. Needless to say I was beyond upset. I took my CBD and made the call. I had to leave a message. 

I braced myself for more crazy as the phone rang and it was the kid's school. This week has been nuts with Tuesday being the only good day my son had. "WTF now" I said right before answering. 

It was a lady about the school lunches. She tells me we can put a block on him getting the school lunches. I just have to write a note to the school board. Thank you. Now we can maybe get these behaviors under control. 

Now maybe we can get these behaviors under control!


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