CBD please give me strength

This last week with my oldest has tested me to my limits. A little background: my oldest is 11 with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This presents as anger. If this wasn't hard enough I have off and on depression and anxiety. 

So my oldest has been refusing his CBD the last few weeks because he wants to go against what I say. P.S. once upon a time he was diagnosed with ODD. The diagnosis was only taken away because he was doing good on the CBD. It takes a lot of work for him to take the CBD these days. Sometimes he spits it out and some days he doesn't have it at all. 

He has also decided he will be eating foods he is allergic to. This being milk, eggs, wheat, and peanuts. Halloween started this carp. For Halloween I normally get him candies he can have so after trick or treating he can trade. These food allergies are not life threatening, but do cause a lot of behaviors and the ODD behavior. Yay not! He didn't trade candies out and said he was going to give them to a friend. He ate them. At school he has been getting lunches as well. He brings his lunch he just wants to be normal. 

Wednesday and Thursday my son trashed a classroom and gotten referrals for this and cursing out teachers. On Monday he refused to do any work at all and just laid around all day at school day. After trying to get me to come get him he made himself throw up then tried again to go home. The behavior lady at the school knew this and kept him at school. He then walked around outside of the school with the behavior lady following him. Thankfully for him he knows he can't go off school grounds. They will call the cops at that point. 

Yesterday I took my CBD oil upon waking up just in case and saged myself. I was pulling out everything I could to get the good vibes flowing. It worked he made it through the day. 


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