CBD Coffee

As promised I started adding CBD to drinks. Morning coffee 1/2 dropper please. Drank it while taking the kids to school. It was a win and now my morning routine. ๐Ÿ˜€

Mondays are hard for me. I work 16 hours on Sat and Sun plus 8 hours on Fri. This week I did 10 hours on Fri.... I get a full work week in 3 days. I love it even though it's hard.

After drinking this, showering, yoga, and meditation I was 100%. Normally my legs and feet hurt really bad. I'm a caregiver for the elderly in a 3 story building. Lots of stairs, lifting people, and running around. I am normally really sleepy because I get around 5 to 6 hours of sleep Friday and Saturday nights. Today I woke up hurting and draging, but now I'm in tip top shape.

I started this schedule because I needed to be free for my oldest when the school needed me to come get him. They would send him home a lot because of freak outs. I also have to be free to help calm him down or talk on the phone. Now that I've been doing this schedule for 5 or so years I love it! I will never go back to 5 days a week.


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