His 4 stages of a freak out

The last few days we have made great progress. My oldest has been taking CBD twice daily since Sunday. Behaviors are for the most part going down.

My oldest is also ate yesterday's lunch he brought. We are headed in the right direction.

Last night he had an anxiety attack because I had a meeting at work today and he would have to ride the bus home. I should have got home about the time he did if not someone would be here. But this was not helping him. He lost it and started getting angry and destructive. When this happens we have to go through his stages at his pace. This can take a half hour or hours.

First stage: anger and destruction. This is either dealt with by alone time or restraining him. This depends on the level of destruction happening and if he is safe to himself and others.

Second stage: annoying all around. This is done by name calling, noises, putting them down, and whatever else will make people mad. If this stage is not handled properly you can move back to stage 1.

Third stage: demands. He will find something he needs and demand to have it. This is where you can start to get him to say sorry, clean whatever mess, and calm the rest of the way down.

Forth stage: calm down and the real sorry. Then he talks about how he got to freaking out and what was wrong.

Does your kids have stages to their freak out?

I decided that I would miss my meeting today. My oldest anxiety is not worth it.


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