CBD infused tea to help me clean

Needed my cbd infused tea for this job. This is just tea with cbd dropped in. This thanksgiving break I took time to do my monthly deep cleaning. With kids and dog things get dirty fast. I'm not a clean freak although I do clean daily. I just don't move the couches and clean under them everyday. I do this about once a month or so. As I suspected things were messy with wrappers, dog toys, and some black dust from the couch. Not sure how or why the couch has black dust, but it does. It's a brown couch which makes this more confusing. The dogs of course were helping me by going through the mess and barking at the shampooer. My younger one and my nephew played video games during this. This meant they had to play musical couches. All and all shampooing the living room and dining room took about 3 hours. After that I wasn't doing anything else. CBD helped me just zone in and power through without complaining in my head about how there should not be this k...