The last straw

Last night we were headed to Portland (about 45mins from home) to see my newest nephews. Driving down HWY 26 we hear a noise. My husband rolls down the window and we have something in the tire. We pull over mind you this is at 5 something at night and we are only going about 25 or so all lanes are packed.

On the side of road he realizes its a bolt in the tire. Thank god my husband was there because I have no idea how to change a tire.

I suddenly realize the jack we have doesn't lift my SUV up. I pick up the phone to message my aunt that is in traffic behind us somewhere and look up to see her pulling over. Thank god my nephews and niece recognized my car. She had a jack that would work.

On the road again we get in the hills by OHSU. These roads are very confusing, small, and its raining. The raid signs are all dirty and everyone has those bright ass LED headlights (I believe should be against the law). We get lost. We start to run out of gas. So we gas up.

After this we said f it we are going home. At 26 again my husband decided to give it another go because the boys were so sad they weren't going to get to see the babies. We get to the hospital. All was good after that.

Because of all this stress and the stress I already had my tummy hurt so bad. I took CBD at bed. 20 mins later the pain eased up and I pasted out. Woke up to no pain until I started to think of having to get this fixed. Pain came back I took CBD. Now its ever so slight like I did a few crunches.



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