Punishment Time

My oldest is not in school today because he is suspended all week. He decided to write a dirty word on a wall outside of his school in mud.

As a punishment I'm having him do work around the house. I gave him a choice of working outside or inside. He decided inside. I have a lot of paining, texturing, sanding that needs done. 3 rooms of painting the dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. He decided he would start in the dining room.

This was the easiest because it had just a few small holes he put in the walls that needed patched up and sanded. That was done pretty fast and he started painting. Before he called it a day he finished 2 walls. Now he is shampooing the dining room and living room carpets. Once he is done with that he can stop for today.

He has worked the whole time he would have been in school with a few breaks for food and/or water.


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