After suspension

After a school meeting it was agreed my oldest could go back to school last Monday. Which he did. He did pretty ok scoring in the 70s for his day. A 80 or above for the day is concerned a good day on the schools scoring system.

Thursday, however, was a referral day. What I did not foresee happening was this extra time with me during the suspension triggered his separation anxiety. This got kicked into high gear. All week he felt sick and needed to come home. Of course, I made him stay at school because he was not sick. I offered to bring him medicine. He refused.

Thursday during dealing with the referral he needed me on the phone the whole time. Normally he will call me I will get him in a state of mind to do what needs done then he will hang up. Thursday he needed the whole time the processed his referral. The behavioral lady with him noticed his separation anxiety was making it very hard for him to get through this. She said she has never had a kid need their parent on the phone the whole time.

I decided I needed to make some changes. So I added essential oils back into his routine. I have many calming blends that he chooses from. My husband made a cord bracelet for me. We put the oils on that and Friday he got in the 90s.

I'm also increasing the dosage of CBD from 300 to 500 full spectrum. We will start that in a few weeks.


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