CBD saved my son

PTSD, depression, anxiety...... A few struggles my son faces daily. These are all expressed as anger and behavioral problems. At 11 years old life shouldn't be so hard to face. Your biggest worry should be if you can play with your friends or Fridays test. Not if your going to freak out in class or have an anxiety attack if called on.

This is nothing new to our world. At age 4 we started using CBD. After he was kicked out of head start and daycare something needed to be done. He had uncontrollable rage over seemingly nothing, slight changes, if his line of cars was touched, and noise. CBD gave him the ability to control his violent outbursts and come out of them faster. The thing I loved the most was I had a happy active kid with CBD rather then a zombie the prescription drugs create.

I also had him tested for food allergies while we waited to be tested for autism. He was allergic to most ingredients. We cut these out which were gluten, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. This gave him the ability to focus better and even allowed us to cut the dosage of CBD down. Autism test came back that this was not the problem. If they had seen him before the diet change and CBD things could have been different. 

Our journey continued as I homeschooled him the first few years. He eventually stopped learning from me so he went into public school. Public school with a child like this is not easy especially in elementary school. They had no clue how to handle him so most of the time he was sent home. This meant he fell behind in school even more.

At this time the CBD we were using stopped being made. We were on the look out for another one that worked for years. Not all CBD is created equal! Some he had to take twice a day, some just once a day, and some didn't work at all!!! Normally 1/2 a dropper was what we used.

CTFO is hands down the best CBD we have tried! From the first day my son has been happier, more active, good in school, loving, and the kid that never gets to come out. He is amazingly smart, with a fantastic memory, and a fast learner. These aspects couldn't come out in school before CTFO because he couldn't get a hold of the PTSD, depression, and anxiety. 

He only takes 5 drops every other day! This isn't even a 1/4 of a dropper. He is taking far less oil with way more improvement. He is rockin school and behaving like a normal kid. He even participates in class. Bonus because he takes less mom saves money!

Worried about THC?
CBD isolate has a purity of approximately 99% and is THC free!
 Full Spectrum CBD Oil Drops - 300mg THC less the .3%

Make it fun with gummies less then .3% THC


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