CBD help me reverse aging

People lose their sh*t when they find out how old I am. They just seriously can't wrap their heads around me being 36 years old. They normally think I am in my early 20s. Not because I act like it, but because I look so young. People have actually think my kids are my step kids because I couldn't be old enough to have an 11 and 10 year old. 

You may be thinking I was a good girl and never drank or smoked….Wrong! I started drinking and smoking in 1995, 12 years old. From about 17 until about 24 I was party central. Below is a picture of me when my kiddos were little. I was still smoking daily still and drank a few times a week in moderation. This was 2010. As you can tell I aged a lot. The picture of me now shows a reversal of the damage I did to my skin. 

I stopped smoking in 2011 and stopped drinking in 2013. I started eating healthy and using CBD in 2013. I didn't used CBD for anti-aging I used it for muscle pain. I have been adding it to my body oil all these years and never knew about the anti-aging side effects until about a year ago. Not all side effects are bad, my friends!

We have many options for anti-aging for you to choose from. Check us out we have a sale right now of 15% off until 10-6-19. Promo code: AntiAging


What I did was used a few drops in my body oil. I use my body oil about 5 days a week after my shower. The other 2 days I'm way too sleepy to mess with body oil. 

Body oil recipe

  • 8 oz jar
  • Avocado oil (or I use hemp oil, grape seed oil, olive oil whatever is on sale)
  • Essential oils 10 drops (normally it's lavender and frankincense)
  • ½ dropper of CBD oil

Fill jar with avocado oil (or whatever you choose coconut oil dries out my skin so I don't use that). Add essential oils and CBD oil. Put on lid shake good and enjoy.


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