CBD, hemp, & cannabis oils differences

Cannabis has a large family and part of this family is the hemp plant. We have already gone over the difference between cannabis and hemp. Today we are going to go over the difference between different oils you may encounter while shopping. Each has their own benefits and speciality uses. The only difference is the amount of THC and CBD among other phytocannabinoids. We will only focus on the CBD and THC. 

Hemp oil

We are going to start with the lowest amount of CBD and THC then work our way up. Hemp oil uses just the seeds of the hemp plant using the cold-pressed method. Hemp oil can be found within you local store and online. In fact this is commonly sold as CBD oil when in fact CBD is very low. 

You can use hemp oil in cooking and for body oils. This stuff is in everything these days and is good for many things. Hemp oil has a 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids, this promotes heart and brain health. It is also a popular carrier oil for CBD oil. I highly recommend this oil for getting those omega fatty acids!

CBD oil

CBD is high in CBD and very low in THC, there for you get a lot of the benefits if cannabis without the high. CBD oil uses the whole plant which gives you more CBD. The two popular extraction methods are ethanol extraction and supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction. 

This oil can be found at cannabis shops and natural stores if you live in a state that allows cannabis to be sold. You can also find CBD online. Be careful hemp oil is often sold as CBD. It is important to look into what you are buying. 

Normally CBD is very concentrated which is amazing for many things such as sleep assistance, behavior disorders, depression, anxiety, weight control, pain, aging, immune system, nausea, and so much more. 

Cannabis oil

This is an oil made from the leaves of the cannabis plant. It is high in both THC and CBD. This oil does make you high. For that reason, you can only get it from a shop in states that allow shops. Ie the old fashion way a dealer. This can treat all things CBD can and is recommended for epilepsy and cancer. Even though you get high with this oil the THC is needed to treat epilepsy, cancer and extreme cases that the CBD treats. 

Warning not recommended for weight loss. In fact this has the reverse effect often giving you the munchies. 

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