Pain Relief Body Scrub

This body scrub is so amazing after yoga or any workout especially if your like me and want to push your body as far as it will go. You only need a few things:

  1. A jar
  2. melted coconut oil
  3. epsom salt
  4. something to stir with
  5. Turmeric essential oil 10 drops (for pain)
  6. Lavender essential 10 drops (to cover the smell of the turmeric and is really good for your skin)
  7. Frankincense essential oil 10 drops (for skin)
  8. rosemary essential oil 10 drops (this is optional I use it to keep my mind fresh)
  9. Ylang Ylang essential oil 10 drops (optional I like the smell)

Mix all together. You want the epsom to fill the jar about 3/4 of the way. Add coconut oil and other oils to moisten the epsom salt. Take it to the shower and enjoy.


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